Monday, June 27, 2011

It's been a long time...

Yes, it has been a long time. We had a financial snafu and Hero sold his bike. That's why he's Hero, in every since of the word. The MC that we've been hanging around with had a Patch Holder with a bike for sale and we are now the proud owners of a Honda Shadow Saber. Let me tell you the seat on there makes a world of difference to my backside.
I haven't been able to ride much because of work. So I've been a sad kitty. Also these Alabama summers are hell. That being said, why are biker accessories so dern expensive? I want to get new boots but Lord that's a 1/8 or more of my paycheck.
I want to ride more! Tell me, how do you all make time for riding when you have a full-time job and kids all on your plate?